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Summer Must-haves for Grandma's House

Summer Must-haves for Grandma's House

Love my mom, but sometimes she can be a little too good of a Grammy (meaning she lets the kids do whatever they want lol). So, when we head over for fam dinner (which is often) or if I leave her with the kids for an evening, there are some KEY things I arm her home with to ensure easy oversight and not too many tantrums! 


Grosmimi Cup – if you haven’t heard this from me already, this cup is THE BEST. It is leak-free so it does not spill all over Grammy’s very luxe rug or un-baby-proofed home. I have multiples of this cup because it is just that good and my LO loves it lol. 

Extra set of clothing – because we know when our LO gets messy, he becomes OCD. We love this from Baby Rabbit – we like to keep one or two sets just in case my child decides to shower in spaghetti at dinner. It’s also perfect because we don’t have to worry about Grammy putting him in something scratchy and uncomfortable (a sure fire way to make him fussy).


Teether – we are trying to ween our LO off the paci, so this Teether helps reduce some major temper tantrums. They come in a ton of animal options and colors – which double as a great toy for you LO. I also love that I don’t have to worry about bacteria gathering while they are at Grammy’s house because it is so easy to clean! 


Lovey – ok this is our version of a Lovey because our LO seems to gravitate towards these super soft hankies by Bamboobebe. They are $13 for a pack of 5 or $20 for a pack of 10 – which makes it really easy to have on-hand anywhere and everywhere when our LO needs some comfort. Plus, if we lose it, we don’t feel too bad about it.  

Thanks to zezebaebae, I don’t have to worry about my kiddos staying with Grammy!